I am not a body builder and I don’t lift weights, so I don’t usually visit body building websites, but one website, Bodybuilding.com has a great section on burning calories.

The site offers two calculators as follows:

  1. Calculator 1: How many calories you will burn in minutes exercised.
  2. Calculator 2: How many minutes you need to exercise to burn your desired number of calories.

Calculator 1 looks like this:


You enter your weight in Pounds or Kilograms and then select the activities you are interested in.

There are about 600 activities/sports to choose from, including the ones you see on the image and:

  • Fishing
  • Swimming
  • Sleeping
  • Sweeping
  • Watching TV
  • Playing the violin
  • Kneeling at church (?)
  • Farming
  • Vigorous Sex
  • Sitting in toilet (?)
  • Flying an airplane

You should get the picture by now.

After selecting the activities, you will have an option to enter the minutes of activity. The site offers  to display only those activities that burn over X amount of calories (you choose the amount) and if you want them in the order of highest calories burned or exercise name or exercise type.


When you click on submit you get the following report (my example was based on someone weighting 75 Kg, activity of 60 min, show only over 200 calories burned, activity is only bicycling):


Calculator 2 is self explanatory I think.

Click here to go the site.